
Our Conservation Ethos

Conservation is at the very heart of all our journeys and it is one of the reasons A2A was established and why we continue to exist.

We focus our efforts on three key areas:

  • Conservation Through Travel – all of our journeys and expeditions involve travel to and around conservation and biodiversity hotspots in Latin America, Antarctica, the Arctic and Africa.
  • Speaker Series around Asia – a program we launched with partners in Africa back in 2002, we bring out and host speakers from Latin America several times a year - conservationists, influencers and leaders in various conservation fields in the continents we cover to help create awareness and highlight the plight of the people, the wildlife and wilderness areas we cover.
  • Community Empowerment and Upliftment – we believe Latin America belongs firstly to its people, especially its youth and we try to gear our community projects to the continent's children.

Our mission is to make a difference to Latin America's dwindling wilderness areas, its people and its wildlife and to help preserve the Arctic, the sub-Antarctic and Antarctica.

Let Us Know If You Want to Help Make a Difference

Conservation Projects

  1. The Tambopata Macaw Project
    This is a long-term multidisciplinary study of natural history, conservatoin and management of large macaws and parrots in the amazon, particularly around Peru's Tambopata National Reserve
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  2. South Georgia Heritage Trust
    South Georgia is a wildlife rich island in the sub-Antarctic, less accessible than Antarctica. The SGHT's Habitat Restoration Project aims to save endangered native seabirds from extinction. In 2018, South Georgia was finally declared rodent free after 200 years!
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  3. Onçafari​ Project
    Based in Brazil, Onçafari operates conservation initiatives to protect jaguars (Panthera onca) in the Mato Grosso do Sul region of the Pantanal as well as have maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in Brazil's Cerrado.
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  4. Reforest Patagonia
    Reforest Patagonia's mission is to restore degraded eco-systems in Chilean Patagonia. A US$7 donation on their website buys a tree including storage, transport, planting and protection.  
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Community Projects

  1. Coltur Peru 
    Our partner Coltur runs a variety of projects geared towards uplifting communities and preserving the country's ancient culture and heritage. A2A Journeys clients are welcome to visit and participate in any of these projects during your holiday in Peru. 
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